LectureBox Tutor Social Networking
Online Tutoring, Homework Help and Test Prep in Math, Science, and English.
At LectureBox, Lydrasoft visualized the world’s largest and highest-rated online tutoring company with a community of more than 3,100 expert tutors, and more than 10 million one-to-one online tutoring sessions served capacity. Our Research team did put their 100% from Research / Insight Ideation to Product Deliver. Based on GIA figures, the United States, Europe, and Asia-Pacific (notably Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and China) are responsible for more than 90% of the global private tutoring market. As noted in the GIA report, the private tutoring market in tutoring-crazed South Korea alone is projected to reach $13.9 billion — roughly 15% of the entire market — by the end of 2012. In addition, India is leading the way in online tutoring by offering professional linguistic and academic coaching capabilities at an affordable cost. We follow our Design and Development Process and make this brand easy to use and all devices compatible with Responsive touch for desktop / phones / iPads etc. We used HTML5 / CSS3 & jQuery for front end development and used PHP development, PHP5.0 and mySQL for back end processing.